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Microsoft MCP Voucher
Microsoft MCP Voucher

Our Price: USD $155.00

Product code: MVCH-MCP-16

Product Details
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) is a certification that validates IT professional and developer technical expertise through rigorous, industry-proven, and industry-recognized exams. MCP exams cover a wide range of Microsoft products, technologies, and solutions.

Passing your first Microsoft Certification exam automatically makes you a member of the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) community, with access to all of the benefits provided through the Microsoft Certification Program. As an MCP, you join millions of certified professionals, with thousands more members joining the community every month!

For more information about MCP exams, go here.

The exam voucher you purchase here will allow you to register and sit for any MCP exam. They are valid for 70, 74, and MBx exams only. MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) or MTA (Microsoft Technology Associate) certification exams cannot be taken using these vouchers. The exam voucher is only valid for use at a Pearson VUE test center in the United States. Vouchers expire twelve months from date of purchase. You must use the voucher to register for and sit the exam on or before the expiration date at

Accessories for this product...
Microsoft Official Practice Test
Our Price: USD $49.00

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Microsoft Official Practice Test

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